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US House Approves US$459.6 Bln for Defense
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The US House of Representatives early yesterday approved more money for the Pentagon but not the unpopular Iraq War, which is expected to be the subject of a major legislative clash this fall.

The defense appropriations bill passed by the House 395-13 provides US$459.6 billion for the Pentagon for the fiscal year starting October 1, and maps out spending priorities.

The Senate has already left Washington for an August recess, and is not scheduled to vote on the defense spending bill until the autumn.

The House version pays for everything from new ships and more soldiers to a 3.5 percent pay raise for the military - half a percentage point more than the Pentagon sought.

It does not include an extra US$147 billion in Iraq War funds that the Bush administration wants Congress to approve this autumn, around the time US Iraq Commander General David Petraeus reports to lawmakers on the war. Over US$600 billion in war checks have already been written for Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Democrat-majority House has voted three times this year for timetables to end US involvement in Iraq, and initially some lawmakers wanted to append pullout proposals to the Pentagon spending blueprint.

But they backed down after Democratic leaders decided to hold their fire on Iraq until September.
The House did challenge Bush's conduct of the Iraq War with one vote earlier in the week, requiring US troops get more leave at home between deployments to Iraq. Bush has threatened to veto that measure, and its future is unclear in the Senate.

The Pentagon spending blueprint approved yesterday is US$3.5 billion less than Bush requested. The White House has criticized many provisions but stopped short of a veto threat.

The bill strikes US$139 million from a missile defense project the Bush administration plans for Eastern Europe. House aides said the cut would prevent construction on a missile interceptor site in Poland, the most controversial part of the project, which has angered the Russian government.

The spending bill provides funding for an additional 7,000 Army soldiers - bringing the total to 489,000 - and 5,000 Marines, raising them to 180,000.

(China Daily via agencies August 6, 2007)

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