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Int'l Community Welcomes New Nepali Interim Gov't
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The international community welcomed the formation of a new Nepali interim government with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) joining it, English daily The Kathmandu Post reported Monday.

The United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), India and the United States stressed effective law enforcement so as to set the stage for the scheduled Constituent Assembly (CA) elections.

Ian Martin, head of the UN Mission in Nepal said it is "a key moment" for consolidation of Nepal's peace process.

"I congratulate the leaders of the eight political parties on their willingness to share responsibilities in this transitional period," said Martin in a statement issued on Sunday.

He said the government should be in a stronger position to face the challenges that still lie ahead: establishing effective law enforcement across the country, and providing for the future of former combatants and a wider reform of the security sector, among others.

The EU termed the formation of the new government as an "important milestone in the peace process".

"The EU looks to the new government to operate in line with democratic principles, to tackle impunity, to deliver reforms through state institutions and to dismantle any parallel structures," said a statement issued by German Ambassador Franz Ring on behalf of the EU.

Likewise, in a statement, India's Ministry of External Affairs said the formation of the new government marks "another step forward in the implementation of the peace process, and toward the creation of conditions in which the people of Nepal can determine their future through free and fair elections to the CA".

The United States still cautious reiterating its commitment to fully support the ongoing peace process in Nepal, it also asked the CPN-M to finally abandon violence as they have now joined the government.

(Xinhua News Agency April 2, 2007)

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