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Nepali Party Leaders Meet Today over Terai Unrest
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Nepali top party leaders Monday agreed to meet again on Tuesday to address the demands raised by the Madhesi community and bring about calm in the Terai region, local leading media group's website THT On-line reported.

With the unrest entering 11th day, top leaders of the ruling Seven Party Alliance (SPA) and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (formerly known as guerrilla) held a meeting here Monday afternoon.

After the meeting, Nepali Congress leader Arjun Narsingh KC said the meeting on Tuesday would try to find a solution to the problem in the Terai.

A task force comprising leaders of eight parties will discuss in detail the federal state structure and proportional system of election, the two main demands of the Madhesi community, and present a draft solution to the crisis to the top leaders on Tuesday.
In Monday's meeting, the leaders presented their respective party's view on the Terai crisis. Most of the leaders were positive on the federal state structure. Nepali Congress (democratic) and CPN-UML have already decided to bay for federalism and proportional election.

The violent demonstrations, mainly led by Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF, also called Madhesi Janadhikar Forum), began on Jan. 19. The Forum claimed that one of its members was shot dead by a cadre of the CPN. MPRF later collided with the police, which claimed the lives of seven people.

Many Terai towns have been witnessing curfew, strikes and widespread vandalism of public and private property in the unrest.

Madhesi people are people mainly living in Nepal's south Terai plains with Indian origin.

(Xinhua News Agency January 30, 2007)

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