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Romanian PM Reshuffled Government
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Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu announced a government reshuffle on Sunday, ousting all ministers of his coalition partner, the Democratic Party of Romania (PD), from the cabinet.

Tariceanu said the alliance between the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the PD had exhausted its resources and was no longer beneficial to Romanians.

The prime minister told a press conference Sunday afternoon that the new cabinet will be made up of ministers from the PNL and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania.

He said that President Traian Basescu should take most of the responsibility for the current political crisis.

He refuted the call, from some Romanian politicians, to hold general elections in advance, arguing it will send a signal to the European Union that Romania is unstable.

PD executive president Adriean Videanu said on Saturday that his party is prepared for any change after a possible cabinet reshuffle and is ready to enter into opposition.

Tariceanu will submit on Monday morning the complete list of the new cabinet to the parliament. The vote on the new cabinet will be held on Tuesday evening or Wednesday at the latest.

Romania, which joined the EU on Jan. 1, is currently witnessing a period of political turbulence. A feud has pitted the president's PD against the prime minister's PNL.

Meanwhile, the opposition Social Democrats are trying to impeach the president.

(Xinhua News Agency April 2, 2007)

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