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China Hails Palestine Election, Sudan Peace Deal

China is glad with the successful election in Palestine, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan in Beijing Monday.

Kong made the remarks while asked to comment on the election for the chairmanship of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) held on January 9, in which Fatah Movement candidate Mahmoud Abbas claimed victory.


China respects the Palestinian's choice and sincerely hopes that the newly elected leadership will lead the Palestinian people to reach the goal of founding their country, Kong said.


China will, as before, support the Palestinian people's efforts in resuming legal national rights, he said.


China also expressed its warm congratulation to the Sudanese government for its signing a final comprehensive peace accord with southern Sudan People's Liberation Movement.


The Sudanese government and the southern Sudan People's Liberation Movement signed a final comprehensive peace accord in Nairobi on Sunday, ending the 21-year-old civil war in southern Sudan, the longest-running war in Africa.


Kong described the signing of the peace deal "a historical event", saying it meets with Sudanese people's desire for peace and development and helps Sudan achieve long-term stability and maintain regional peace.


Kong said Chinese President Hu Jintao and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing have sent congratulation letters to Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed El-Bashir and Minister of External Relations Mustafa Othman Ismail respectively.


China's Assistant Foreign Minister Lu Guozeng attended the signing ceremony as special envoy of the Chinese government, he said.


"We sincerely hope the comprehensive peace deal will be implemented smoothly and Sudan will make greater achievement in seeking peace and development," he said.


(Xinhua News Agency January 11, 2005)

Peace Deal Signed in Sudan
Abbas Wins Palestinian Election
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