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Opposition Head Scores Election Win

Romania's centrist opposition leader Traian Basescu scored an upset victory in a presidential race against leftist Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, almost complete official results showed Monday. 

Also yesterday, Basescu invited smaller parties to join his centrist alliance to form a government that will take the Balkan country into the European Union in 2007.


"The top priority is to form a majority that will allow us to march in full force towards EU integration," Basescu said in his first major address after winning Sunday's presidential runoff.


Nastase conceded defeat after the partial official results showed Bucharest mayor Basescu with a nearly three percentage point lead in Sunday's run-off vote.


Although the powers of Romania's president are largely ceremonial, the head of state can tip the scales in parliament because he chooses the prime minister. Basescu's triumph means he will most likely give the post to his centrist alliance of Liberals and Democrats. They have just two seats less in parliament after elections two weeks ago than Nastase's PSD and have campaigned on a ticket of radical market-friendly reforms.


"It was the will of the Romanian people that gave me this strong victory," said Basescu.


Basescu's triumph marks a turning point for Romania as he will replace veteran leader Ion Iliescu, who dominated the European union candidate country's political scene for 15 years.


Basescu's victory is set to tip the balance of power in parliament just as Romania faces tough reforms to realize its aim to join the EU in 2007.


(China Daily December 14, 2004)

Romania's Social Democrats Lead in Election
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