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Palestinian and Israeli Situation Is Facing Danger

At present, the Palestinian and Israeli situation is in danger with unrest. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon not only takes a clear-cut stand in refusing the "Road Map," but also threatens to oust or eliminate Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. On the other hand, Israeli forces have intensified its military attacks against Palestine-controlled area in retaliation for the suicide bombings by Palestinian extremist groups. A new severe crisis appears in the Middle East process of peace. The international community and the parties concerned are paying deep attention to this situation.  

The "Road Map" is a peaceful negotiation project put forward jointly by the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia. It asked the both parties of Israel and Palestine to search after the Middle East peace according to the tracks. The two parties should carry out their respective duties and obligations to end violent clashes as early as possible, making the Middle East peace come true. At the beginning, the Palestine side expressed its willingness to accept while the Israeli side made an objection and was later pressed by the United States and other parties to accept it reluctantly. However, it has delayed the implementation of the duties on one pretext or another.


On September 15, Sharon said Israel will not implement the "Road Map" peaceful solution supported by the United States when he had an interview with Israeli media. After the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces will occupy the vast area of the West Bank of the Jordan River. This is the first time that Sharon has made it clear a far-reaching plan for Israeli occupation of West Bank area of the Jordan River. Sharon expressed Israel will firmly pushed forward its unilateral action plan instead of the "Road Map." After moving four villages from the West Bank of the Jordan River, nothing may happen there for a long period of time.


So far, the Israeli unilateral action plan has been taken into the important business of the Israeli government. The Israeli cabinet has just passed a solution to compensate the Jewish settlers who are planning to withdraw with cash. But the Palestinian side deems that the unilateral action plan is aimed at damaging Palestinian national interests and that Israel is attempting to demarcate the future Palestinian and Israeli border in accordance with the unilateral desire of Israel. The Palestinian side pointed out the Sharon's unilateral action plan is only a cover for peace. In sense, it aims at destroy the "Road Map," turns Gaza Strip into a prison and continues to put the vast area of the West Bank of the Jordan River under its control.


As to ousting or eliminating Arafat, this is a plan that Israel wants to carry out, but is afraid of doing it rashly. However, what Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said recently has caused a big stir. He declared that the decision to oust Arafat by the Israeli government last year is still effective. Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom threatens "the date is more close to ostracize Arafat than any other time." Sharon also clearly said, "Arafat is as the same as Hamas leaders." Israel will wait for its chance to deal with Arafat as the way it treats Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas.


Many such threats are out of political requirement. But Israel is waiting for a climate, for a suitable time. Although the threat is for public opinion readiness, it no doubt adds oil to the fire of the Palestinian and Israel situation. The provocative remarks have roused the concerns from the international society and the countries from the Arab world. Even the United States deems that threatening Arafat is helpless to resume the dialogue between Palestine and Israel. The Palestinian side takes it as typical "state terrorism." On September 15, Palestinian chief representative attending negotiations accused of Sharon's threat to Arafat's life security at a press conference and appealed to the international society for interference in this matter so as to prevent the Palestinian and Israeli situation from deteriorating.


The peaceful talks between Palestine and Israel have fallen into crisis. It needs urgent intervention from all parties. Recently Arafat appealed for direct negotiations immediately. On September 15, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei also issued a statement appealing to the international society, especially the four parties concerning the Middle East, to take "firm stand" against the unilateral action plan by Israel so that the peaceful talks between Palestine and Israel will be put into right tracks as early as possible. Facing the present crisis the international society should take action as soon as possible to push ahead the Palestinian and Israeli situation turning better early.


(People's Daily September 21, 2004)

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