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Top Lawmaker: Central Authorities Prudent in HK Issues

The decision by the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee concerning Hong Kong's elections methods in 2007 and 2008 demonstrate the great importance and concern of the Central Authorities attached to the constitutional development in the region, top lawmaker Wu Bangguo said Monday.

"The central authorities has been very prudent in handling issues of constitutional development in Hong Kong," Wu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, made the remark upon the adoption of the decision on issues concerning methods for selecting the HKSAR chief executive in 2007 and forming the Legislative Council in 2008.

The decision, based on the deliberation of Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa's report and opinions from all circles from Hong Kong, is "a major policy guideline" the NPC Standing Committee has made in accordance with law, and will be of tremendous and profound significance to the gradual and orderly progress of constitutional development and long-term prosperity and stability of the region, Wu pointed out.

The decision also "reflects the persistent stance of the central authorities in advocating and supporting the development of democracy in the Hong Kong SAR," he said.

Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed the central authorities' concern and stance over Hong Kong's constitutional development in a meeting with Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa in December 2003, which was followed by a series of research and consultation work by relevant departments of the central authorities, with opinions from various circles in Hong Kong solicited.

"Every step taken (by the central authorities) has rigorously accorded with provisions and procedures stipulated by the law," Wu said.

He quoted late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, designer of the "one country, two systems," as saying that "Hong Kong's stability, besides economic prosperity, also means a stable political system."

The establishment and development of a democratic system in any country or region can only be achieved through gradual advancement and must proceed step by step in line with its actual conditions and with more and more experiences, Wu stressed.

"It will be vindicated by facts that the decision the NPC Standing Committee has made is in the overall and long-term interest of the Hong Kong society and conducive to the maintenance of the long-term prosperity and stability of the region," Wu said.

(Xinhua News Agency April 26, 2004)

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