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Premier Wen Pledges Support for HK, Macao SARs

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao urged the governments and people in Hong Kong and Macao, China's two special administrative regions (SAR), to continue to implement the basic policy of "one China, two Systems", pledging more support to push the economic and social development of the two regions.


Premier Wen made the remarks while meeting with Tung Chee Hwa, chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR, and Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of the Macao SAR, at two separate meetings Sunday morning in Beijing.


The two chief executives are attending the ongoing session of the National People's Congress (NPC) as nonvoting delegates.


During his meeting with Tung Chee Hwa, Wen acknowledged that the economy of Hong Kong has shown an obvious momentum of recovery with increased confidence of local residents.


He called on the Hong Kong government and personages from all walks of life in Hong Kong, while seizing opportunities to promote economic growth and improve people's life, to unite as one in implementing the principle of "one China, two Systems" and the basic law.


The premier pledged the central government would continue to support the Hong Kong SAR government's work in line with the basic law, and help Hong Kong to recover its economy.


During his meeting with Edmund Ho Hau Wah, the premier expressed his wishes that the Macao government and its people would press ahead with the momentum of economic growth and social stability and realize an all-round development of the region.


Vice-Premier Wu Yi, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan, State Councilor and Secretary-general of the State Council Hua Jianmin, and Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Liao Hui were present at the two meetings.


(People's Daily March 8, 2004)

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