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Tung: HK Gov't to Take Measures to Ensure Economic Recovery
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa said here Tuesday evening that Hong Kong SAR government is considering a series of measures to overcome difficulties brought by atypical pneumonia.

The impact of atypical pneumonia on Hong Kong's economy is long-term and profound, Tung said at a press briefing.

Sectors like tourism, entertainment and trade are seriously hit and the disease is expected to have medium- and long term implication on Hong Kong's economy, he said.

Tung said he has discussed with Financial Secretary Antony Leung and talked about measures to ensure the recovery of the economy.

Tung expressed deep concern about the medical staff who are taking care of the patients infected with atypical pneumonia and noted it is the primary concern of the government to ensure their health.

He has also required the Hospital Authority to mobilize all sources to provide sound environment for them.

Tung said he fully understood the concern of the public about the disease, but the people need not to be overcautious about it.

He suggested the public pay attention to the environmental and personal hygiene, adding that if treatment can be given early, the disease is curable.

(Xinhua News Agency April 9, 2003)

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