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China's Top Legislator Stresses Governing by Law
China's top legislator Li Peng has called on organizations at all levels of the Communist Party of China to strengthen the sense of governing the country by law, and to administrate state and other social affairs by relying on and wielding the functions and powers of people's congresses.

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), made the remarks during a recent inspection tour in south China's Hainan Province.

On Feb. 6, Li and leading members of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress exchanged views on the work of the Standing Committee of the Ninth NPC over the past five years.

Li said the ninth NPC would fulfill its historical tasks and the first session of the tenth NPC was expected to be convened very soon.

He expressed hope that the new NPC and its standing committee and new deputies would conscientiously fulfill the duties entrusted to them by the Constitution and law, do their jobs with a pioneering spirit and down-to-earth attitude and make contributions to the promotion of socialist democracy and building of the perfect socialist legal system.

Li also visited China's first rail ferry service, crossing the Qiongzhou Straits between the Leizhou Peninsula in south China's Guangdong Province and Haikou City on Hainan Island, which began operation in early January.

(Xinhua News Agency February 8, 2003)

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