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China to Push Forward Employment System under Contract in Institutions
According to the "Proposals on the Experimentation of Employment System under Contract in public Institutions" of the Ministry of Personnel recently reissued by the General Office of the State Council the reform to be carried out in China's institutions brewed for years on end is quietly on the move now.

There are about 28 million personnel working in China's institutions, including those working in such as education, scientific and technological researches, medicine and healthcare, news and publications, movie, broadcasting and TV shows, etc. They are units with a good collection of all sorts of talented people.

Official with the Ministry of Personnel pointed out that the experimentation of reforms in institutions for employment system is a great innovation in the administration of personnel in China. It will make the personnel administration by identity and status in these institutions to switch over to post management, from the relationship of appointment to being employed on the basis of equal consultation. By way of signing contract with the employee, the institutions will make clear the rights and duties for both parties. In the principle of choosing openly, fairly and competitively for selecting the good ones and in this way it is to build up a set of personnel employment mechanism of working at a post for drawing an equivalent amount of salary. The employment system includes an open recruitment, signing contract, periodic check and exam and release of employment or dismissal, avoidance of relatives and disputes arbitration and so on. In exception of those institutions that are entered into the administration in accordance with the state civil servant system or transformed into enterprises all other institutions will gradually be replaced with an employment system.

As learned, the contracts for employment include the short-term, medium-and-long-term ones and that for fulfilling certain amount of work within a limited period. Those engaged at a fluidic post with low technical requirement fall into short-term contract under three years. Those working over 25 years or over 10 years in succession in an institution and almost at the age of retirement may sign a contract for working until retirement.

According to the requirement and uniformed arrangement of the Ministry of Personnel the employment system is to going to be carried out steadfastly in full experimentation in institutions within a timeframe of 2 to 3 years. And it is to build up a normalized and regularized employment system in a span of five years or so.

(People's Daily December 4, 2002)

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