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HK Enjoys More Democracy

The democratic elements in Hong Kong election system exceed that which pertained before the region's return to the motherland, said a spokesman for Hong Kong Constitutional Affairs Bureau on Saturday.

"Ever since the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Hong Kong has pursued constitutional development according to the Basic Law," the spokesman said.

He said that Hong Kong enjoys a fair, open and honest election system, which is based on the rule of law. "Our election system is not corrupted by 'money politics'," he noted.

"Our Legislative Council (LegCo) and the Hong Kong media are fully capable of monitoring the performance of the government. The checks and balances, which exist between the executive and the legislature, are similar to those which apply in developed communities.

"Currently, we are undertaking in Hong Kong a review of constitutional development beyond 2007. We will consider the possibilities of further opening up the system for electing the

chief executive in 2007 and for forming the LegCo in 2008, in accordance with the Basic Law and the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress," he added.

He said the HKSAR government will make its best endeavors to establish consensus among different sectors of the community to take forward Hong Kong's constitutional development.

(Xinhua News Agency August 16, 2004)

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