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Macao Invited to Join WHO's SARS Lab Network
Visiting World Health Organization (WHO) expert Daniel Libraty said Wednesday the organization welcomed Macao to participate in the regional lab network of SARS initiated by WHO's West-Pacific headquarters.

The lab researcher for WHO said that the network would connect the research power of labs in its member countries and regions in the diagnosis and treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Libraty, who arrived in Macao on Monday on a four-day visit, came to help enhance Macao's laboratory test ability of SARS virus.

He said that as a formal member of the WHO West-Pacific, Macao has been well-prepared to deal with SARS since the epidemic broke out in its neighboring regions of south China's Guangdong Provinceand Hong Kong. WHO is looking forward for its help in the network research of the disease.

The biochemist with the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine is the third WHO expert to visit Macao this year. His colleagues Kouichi Morita, an advisor on communicable diseases, and Cathryn Murphy, an infection control expert, came to Macao in April and May respectively and have given high praises to Macao's SARS control work.

Macao's Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah met with Libraty on Wednesday afternoon. They both agreed that the SARS control is nota one-time work. Libraty said that WHO will continue to assist Macao's efforts to deal with SARS.

(Xinhua News Agency June 12, 2003)

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