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Dì sí shí qī kè guàng wáng fŭ jĭng dà jiē
Lesson Forty-seven Roam the Wangfujing Street

As the most famous shopping area in Beijing, the Wangfujing Street boasts many reputed shopping venues and eateries such as the New Dong'an Bazaar, the Arts and Crafts Mansion, Foreign Language Bookstore, Shengxifu Hat Store, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant and Vegetarian Restaurant. Walking its entire length would take around 30 minutes without any browsing.

Lì li: Zhōu mò wŏ men yì qĭ qù guàng wáng fŭ jĭng dà jiē ba.
丽丽: 周末我们一起去逛王府井大街吧。

Let's explore the Wangfujing Street this weekend, shall we?

Mài kè: Hăo a, wŏ tīng shuō wáng fŭ jĭng shì bĕi jīng zuì rè nào de dà jiē.
麦克: 好啊,我听说王府井是北京最热闹的大街。
Mike: OK. I was told that Wangfujing is the busiest street in Beijing.
Lì li: Shì de, tā de cháng dù yuē wŭ băi gōng chĭ, kuān dù yuē wŭ shí gōng chĭ.
丽丽: 是的,它的长度约五百公尺,宽度约五十公尺。
Lili: Yes, its length is around 500 meters, and its width is about 50 meters.
Mài kè: Zhè tiáo jiē yĕ bèi chēng zuò wáng fŭ jĭng bù xíng jiē, duì ma?
麦克: 这条街也被称作王府井步行街,对吗?
Mike: It is also called the Wangfujing Pedestrian Mall, is it?
Lì li: Duì, cóng nán biān de dì tiĕ zhàn kāi shĭ, shŏu xiān shì dōng fāng guăng chăng.
丽丽: 对,从南边的地铁站开始,首先是东方广场。
Lili: Yes, the first mall to the south close to the subway is the big Oriental Plaza.
Mài kè: Nà lĭ shāng diàn hĕn duō, rén men gòu wù yí dìng hĕn fāng biàn.
麦克: 那里商店很多,人们购物一定很方便。
Mike: There are lots of stores there which make it convenient for people to go shopping.
Lì li: Shì de, nà lĭ hái yŏu xīn huá shū diàn hé xīn dōng ān shì chăng.
丽丽: 是的,那里还有新华书店和新东安市场。
Lili: Yes, there are also the Xinhua Bookstore and the New Dong'an Market there.
Mài kè: Wŏ zhèng hăo kě yĭ shùn biàn măi jiàn chèn yī.
麦克: 我正好可以顺便买件衬衣。
Mike: By the way, I need to buy a shirt.
Lì li: Wáng fŭ jĭng dà jiē yŏu xŭ duō pĭn pái zhuān mài diàn, nĭ kĕ yĭ zài nà lĭ tiāo xuăn.
丽丽: 王府井大街有许多品牌专卖店,你可以在那里挑选。
Lili: Well, there are many franchised clothes stores in the street for you to choose from.
Mài kè: Nà lĭ de cān guănr duō ma? Zhōng wŭ wŏ men zhăo gè cān guănr chī fàn ba.
麦克: 那里的餐馆多吗?中午我们找个餐馆吃饭吧。
Mike: Are there any restaurants there? Let's find somewhere to eat.
Lì li: Nà lĭ yŏu hĕn duō kuài cān diàn, xī cè hái yŏu zhù míng de wáng fŭ jĭng xiăo chī jiē.
丽丽: 那里有很多快餐店,西侧还有著名的王府井小吃街。
Lili: There are lots of fast-food restaurants there. The famous Wangfujing Food Alley lies to the west.
Mài kè: Tīng shuō hái yŏu jiào táng ne.
麦克: 听说还有教堂呢。
Mike: I heard that there is a church, too.
Lì li: Shì de, tiān zhŭ jiào táng jiù zài bù xíng jiē de bĕi biān, shì bĕi jīng xiāng dāng yŏu míng de jiào táng.
丽丽: 是的,天主教堂就在步行街的北边,是北京市相当有名的教堂。
Lili: Yes, the Catholic Church is on the east side of the street, which is quite famous in Beijing.
Mài kè: Hăo de, wŏ kĕ yĭ qù jiào táng zuò lĭ bài.
麦克: 好的,我可以去教堂做礼拜。
Mike: OK, I will go to the church.
长度 cháng dùlength 专卖店 zhuān mài diànfranchised store
宽度 kuān dù: width 挑选 tiāo xuănchoose
步行街 bù xíng jiē: pedestrian mall 教堂 jiào táng : church
书店 shū diànbookstore 天主教 tiān zhŭ jiào : Catholic
顺便 shùn biàn by the way 礼拜 lĭ bàireligious service
衬衣 chèn yīshirt 品牌 pĭn páibrand name
Hòu hăi jiŭ jiē 
酒  街 
Hòu hăi jiŭ jiē wèi bĕi jīng shì chéng , shì
lăo de bĕi jīng xiàn dài fāng wén huà de jié
. Zhè yŏu shì yàng de jiŭ cān guăn.
Dāng jiàng lín , yuè guāng yìng zhào zài hòu hăi shí,
jiŭ jiē biàn dēng huŏ huī huáng , chéng xiàn chū pài
nào fēi fán de jĭng xiàng .    
Jiŭ jiē de shēng huó xiāng dāng yŏu bìng qiě fēng
duō căi . Zhè duō shù de jiŭ dōu yóu rén
jīng yíng , shāng pĭn zhŏng lèi .
nián líng duàn de rén dōu zài bàn
huì , liáo tiān , chàng , tiào . men yi
zài jiŭ , pĭn chá , yĭn fēi .
Wài guó rén huān guāng . men
xīn shăng dào zhōng guó chuán tŏng fāng xiàn dài de
yăn chū . Shì mín yóu men zài wăn fàn
hòu yán zhe biān sàn , xīn shăng běi jīng de jĭng.
沿 景。

Duì niú tán qín

对 牛 弹 琴
Play the lute to a cow – to address the wrong audience

Shì zài rén wéi

【事在人为 】

All success hinges on human effort; human effort is the decisive factor

Shì guò jìng qiān


Events have passed and the situation has changed; things change with the passage of time

Dé gāo wàng zhòng


(of old people) enjoy moral eminence and high esteem; to be of good moral standing and undisputed reputation

Dé cái jiān bèi


To have both moral integrity and professional competence; to be a person of ability and virtue

Guāng míng lĕi luò


Open and aboveboard; frank and open-hearted

Guāng căi duó mù


Dazzlingly bright; brilliant

Qīng shān héng běi guō,
Bái shuĭ rào dōng chéng.
wéi bié,
péng wàn zhēng.
yún yóu yì,
Luò rén qíng.
Huī shŏu qù,
Xiāo xiāo bān míng.
Bèng jí
蹦 极 Bungee
Dòng găn
动 感 Dynamic

Yăng yăn

养 眼

To be pleasant to eyes

Shuài dāi

帅 呆

Extremely handsome

Wài yù

外 遇

An extramarital affair

Cì qīng

刺 青


Jīng jiàng ròu sī

京 酱 肉 丝

Shredded pork with sweet bean paste

Shí jĭn ŏu piàn

什 锦 藕 片

Assorted lotus roots and vegetables

Shā guō wán zi
沙 锅 丸 子
Meat balls en casserole
Yú xiāng qié zi
鱼 香 茄 子
Fish-flavored shredded eggplant
Suān tián pái gŭ
酸 甜 排 骨
Sweet and sour ribs
Qié zhī jī pái
茄 汁 鸡 排
Chicken filets with tomato sauce
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