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Extensive Reading 泛 读

Lesson 14
Hòu hăi jiŭ jiē 
酒  街 
Hòu hăi jiŭ jiē wèi bĕi jīng shì chéng , shì
lăo de bĕi jīng xiàn dài fāng wén huà de jié
. Zhè yŏu shì yàng de jiŭ cān guăn.
Dāng jiàng lín , yuè guāng yìng zhào zài hòu hăi shí,
jiŭ jiē biàn dēng huŏ huī huáng , chéng xiàn chū pài
nào fēi fán de jĭng xiàng .    
Jiŭ jiē de shēng huó xiāng dāng yŏu bìng qiě fēng
duō căi . Zhè duō shù de jiŭ dōu yóu rén
jīng yíng , shāng pĭn zhŏng lèi .
nián líng duàn de rén dōu zài bàn
huì , liáo tiān , chàng , tiào . men yi
zài jiŭ , pĭn chá , yĭn fēi .
Wài guó rén huān guāng . men
xīn shăng dào zhōng guó chuán tŏng fāng xiàn dài de
yăn chū . Shì mín yóu men zài wăn fàn
hòu yán zhe biān sàn , xīn shăng běi jīng de jĭng.
沿 景。

Hou Hai Café and Bar Street

The Houhai Café and Bar Street , located in the Xicheng District of Beijing, is a mixture of ancient Beijing and modern Western culture. It is full of trendy bars and unique pubs. When night falls and the moon shines on Houhai Lake , the street comes alive lit up by a multitude of lamps amidst the hustle and bustle of the patrons and hawkers.

Night life is rather colorful on this street. Most of the cafés and pubs are privately owned and have their own features and services. People of all ages can hold parties, chat, sing and dance here, sampling the varied drinks menus.

Foreigners like to come here, too as they can enjoy a mixture of traditional Chinese and modern Western ambiances. Residents and travelers may take a stroll after supper along the shores of the lake and enjoy Beijing's night scene.