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"One Day Without Coca Cola" to Protest Against Iraq War in Nicaragua
University organizations of the Social Nicaraguan Movement (MSN) on Thursday celebrated "One Day Without Coca Cola," within the framework of the resumption of local protests against the US-led invasion of Iraq.

This move was part of an international boycott of companies emblematic of the nations taking part in the coalition invading Iraq.

Martha Guerrero, an activist of the Student Center of the Central American University (CEUCA), said this measure "is part of the resumption of protests and marches against the US-led genocidal war on Iraq, whose bombardment has killed hundreds of children, women and men in the Middle East country."

Guerrero said that with the invasion of Iraq, the United States wants to consolidate its role as the "policeman of the world" and place and remove governments according to its geopolitical and geoeconomic interests. This flagrantly encroaches upon the sovereignty of a nation and self-determination of its people, she said.

She denounced the United States as the country in the world with the largest biological, nuclear and chemical weapons.

Waldo Matamoros of UCA's radio program LANU, called on the student community to participate in the international boycott of Texaco, Esso, Shell, Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, McDonald's, Pizza Hut,Burger King, Subway and American Donuts, as well as Tomy, Levis, Nike, Reebok and Fila.

"Let us remember that for each one of these products we don't purchase, there will be one bomb less dropped on innocent people in Iraq," Matamoros said.

(Xinhua News Agency April 4, 2003)

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