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Anti-war Protesters March to US Embassy in Jakarta
Thousands of Indonesian people staged a peace rally in front of the US embassy here on Thursday, protesting the US-led war against Iraq which began earlier in the day.

The protesters represent various groups, including the Catholic Youth Movement, the youth wing of Muslim group Muhammadiyah, and students and supporters of the Indonesian Justice Party (PK).

Puskono, representing the Catholic Youth, said the war against Iraq is a crime against humanity, underlining the war is not between Islam and Christianism.

His statement was agreed by others, who said US President George Bush doesn't represent Christians and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein doesn't represent Muslims.

Over the past few days, anti-war protesters have begun targeting US interests. Dozens of youths in the Islamic Youth Movement (GPI) rallied in front of a McDonald's outlet in Central Jakarta Wednesday and stopped customers entering the restaurant inprotest against the US plan to attack Iraq.

The same anti-war protest took place in the Central Sulawesi capital of Palu when hundreds of students barricaded a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet and scared away customers.

No violence has been reported despite the mounting anti-US rallies here, but police have suggested foreigners stay at home in the event of a wave of anti-war protests.

National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar said that 250,000 police personnel would be ready to protect the interests of the United States and its allies here and that the Indonesian Military was also on standby to back up the police.

(Xinhua News Agency March 20, 2003)

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