A Sino-Norwegian seminar on the study of the comprehensive impacts of acid sedimentation was held in Beijing. Attending the seminar were Norwegian Ambassador to China Haakon B. Hjelde, officials from the State Environmental Protection Administration and Chinese and Norwegian environmental scientists.
The 5-year-long project was awarded US$4 million, the biggest donation in all environmental cooperative projects between the two countries.
Chinese and foreign government officials, scholars and scientists gave an account of the control of acid rains and sulfur dioxide pollution in China�s acid rain-affected areas during the 10th five-year plan period, Norwegian and European policies, measures and experience in acid rain control and exchanged ideas concerning the mid-term development of the study.
The research project was established among the SEPA, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations and the Norwegian Bureau of Development and Cooperation in 1999. The project will provide technical and financial support to the establishment of China�s national acid sedimentation monitoring system, the assessment of the impacts of acid rain on the eco system and the formulation of acid rain control policies. It will finally help China formulate an acid rain control strategy with economic results.
(www.cenews.com.cn December 9, 2002)