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China's new road map for the development of energy and technology
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Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the president of the Chinese Academy of Science Lu Yongxiang said on September 19 that energy is the basis of China's sustainable economic and social development and the national competence. It's time to establish a sustainable energy system in China. To set up a strategic road map for China's development of energy and technology remains an important pledge toward the establishment of a sustainable energy system and achieving an optimal energy structure.

On the same day, at the Symposium of the Sustainable Energy Development Strategy held in Beijing, Lu put forward his road map for the Development of China's energy and technology. He outlined three short-term, mid-term and long-term objectives.

Short-term objectives (till 2020): Emphasis should be put on developing energy-saving and clean energy technology; improving ways energy is efficiently utilized; striving for breakthroughs in zero emissions, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) and so on; developing key technologies to capture, store and use carbon dioxide plus provide demonstrations of these technologies; pushing forward highly efficient coal liquefaction technologies toward demonstration stages and consequent applications; actively developing renewable energy technologies and finally; further developing non-traditional fossil energy technologies.

Mid-term objectives (around 2030): Priority should be given to promoting nuclear energy and renewable energy as primary sources. China must strive to make breakthroughs in the following areas: fast neutron reactor technology, highly efficient solar conversion technology, Intelligent Energy Grids and so on.
Long-term objectives (around 2050) China must establish a system for sustainable energy development that will basically meet the overall energy demand for China's economic and social development and reduce the country's degree of dependence on fossil energy to less than 60 percent, thus turning renewable energy into one of the leading energy resources. Expanding application and commercialization of renewable energy technology and seeking breakthroughs in fusion energy technology are also included.

Lu Yongxiang stated that, the CAS, as our nation's strategic technological force, should focus on developing core technologies revolving around energy-saving and advanced, clean, renewable or alternative energy. The CAS will look to the future and make proper arrangements for research core areas that may exert significant influence on the future. 
( by Zhang Ming'ai, September 20, 2007)

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