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Historical, Cultural Cities Voted the Most Popular
A monthly survey conducted via the Internet asking people to name their favorite Chinese cities revealed that those with great historical and cultural value won the day.

The Internet poll released in Beijing on Wednesday, indicated that cities such as Guilin, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Luoyang and Quanzhou won the most votes. All are listed among China's state-level historical and cultural cities.

The poll, which was initiated by China's unique nation-wide website, www.Chinacsw.com, on Dec.8, 2002, asked people at home and abroad to vote for their favorite Chinese cities. Thousands of people have voiced their opinions over the past month.

Currently, China has a total of 101 state-level historical and cultural cities throughout its territory, featuring its most valued historical artifacts and its most beautiful landscapes.

Luo Yameng, chief editor of Chinacsw, said that the poll would help to improve the public's knowledge of Chinese cities and encourage more Chinese cities to improve their public image.

The poll, China's first, will be conducted on a monthly basis, with all voters, at home and abroad, welcome to vote. An annual report will be made on Jan. 8 of each year, said Luo.

(Xinhua News Agency January 9, 2002)

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