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More Private Aircrafts in Shenzhen

There are more than 20 private aircraft in Shenzhen, a newspaper revealed Thursday.

The owners, most of them flight enthusiasts, had to fly their aircraft in Zhuhai or Hong Kong as Shenzhen had no proper facilities, the Shenzhen Economic Daily said.

A pilot club would soon be launched for aviation enthusiasts in Shenzhen, with its founder hoping to reap a windfall emerging market, according to the newspaper.

The club, Shenzhen Tianying Aviation Club, will be the first of its kind in the Pearl River Delta.

Ding Lujun, Tianying's general manager, told the Daily the club was targeting a growing number of wealthy local aviation enthusiasts as well as more than 100 people in Hong Kong who hold pilot's licenses.

Some expatriates in Shenzhen could also join the club, Ding said. More than 60 expatriates in Shell's South China Sea venture held pilots' licenses, Ding said.

Club membership would cost between 300,000 and 500,000 yuan (US$36,230-60,386), and a fee of 3,000 yuan (US$362) would also be charged for a one-hour flight, he said.

The club, which will have 10 light aircraft and four helicopters, will be based in Danshui Township in Huizhou City. The township is one hour's drive from Shenzhen.

The Daily said a number of veteran pilots, who had retired from the air force of the People's Liberation Army, had joined the club as trainers.

(Shenzhen Daily July 25, 2003)

Private Airplane Market Takes Off
Private Sector's Flying Dream
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