Chinese Steel Giant Makes Big Adjustments
Despite a lingering festive mood in Beijing, people from the Beijing-based Shougang Group feel more pressure than pleasure.
Luo Bingsheng, board chairman of the leading iron and steel producer in China, said 2002 is "very crucial" year with both challenges and opportunities ahead.
Major Agricultural Base Adapts to Post-WTO Competition
Shandong Province, a major agricultural production base in east China, has taken measures to gear its agricultural production to the tough competition that came on the heals of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization.
Govt to Speed up Development of Intermediate Technological Agencies
The Chinese government will speed up the development of intermediate technological agencies to help research findings be applied more quickly to the economy, China's accession to the WTO is prompting the government to create a flexible and favorable climate for scientific and industrial development, said Xu Guanhua, minister of science and technology on January 4.
Service Quality Key to Law Firms
Chinese law firms, aware of the tough competition ahead now that China is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), are making all-out efforts to raise their service level to meet international standard.
Industry Adopts World Code
China's membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has prompted new calls for its fledgling market research industry to follow international practices. Starting January 1, the industry will adopt the standards of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, which has been used by more than 100 countries and regions, said Li Li, secretary general of the China Marketing Research Association.
PM: Strategies key following WTO entry
China will adjust its development strategies of education, science and technology to better adapt to the new economic situation following its entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
China Completes Rectification of WTO-related Laws
China has completed the rectification of six laws, making them all conforming to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Courts Witness Upswing in IPR Protection Cases
China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) has posed new challenges to judicial works, especially in the area of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, court officials said.
Legal Services Need to Improve
China's legal service providers need to adjust the way they do business to better meet the demands of a domestic market challenged by competition from overseas, said the Minister of Justice Zhang Fusen Sunday.
Changes to Breathe New Life into Coal Sector
Technological innovations will give tremendous impetus to the revitalization of China's coal industry in the 10th Five-Year Plan period (2001-05) and will help the sector face challenges following the nation's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).
HK Pushes for Chance to Offer Arbitral Services
Hong Kong's Secretary of Justice Elsie Leung was in Beijing yesterday attempting to woo domestic and foreign businesses in a bid to tempt them to consider arbitration services in the special administrative region (SAR) as a major option to solving business disputes.
Merge of Two Retailers Makes Beijing's Largest Chainstore
Chaoshifa and Tiankelong, two local chainstores, merged Tuesday to form Beijing's largest supermarket company, a week after China joins the World Trade Organization.
Clean-up of WTO-Contradictory Laws a Priority: Senior Official
The cleaning up of laws, regulations and policies contradictory to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) shall be a priority for China as it joined the trade body Tuesday, State Councilor Wu Yi said.
Central Bank to Increase Supervision Transparency After WTO Entry
China's central bank (People's Bank of China) will increase its supervision transparency according to related regulations, the bank will oversee both foreign and domestic banks equally according to principle of national treatment, said Wu Xiaoling, vice president of People's Bank of China.
China Adjusts Trade Laws for Final WTO Entry
China's State Trade and Economic Commission will release a total of 163 adjusted trade laws and regulations at the end of this month. China has already released some adjusted laws and regulations concerning foreign fund use and intellectual property protection. The newly released intellectual property rights laws include the Patent Law, the Trademark Law and the Copyright Law.
Rules Revised for WTO
China will revise its life insurance regulations to keep in line with international practice and to meet the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
China's Textile Industry Gears Up for WTO Challenges
Facing the challenges brought by China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), textile enterprises the country are building up muscles to meet fiercer competition at both domestic and foreign markets.
Civil Aviation to Open Part of Its Service Sectors
China's entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will not have a strong impact on China's civil aviation industry, sources with the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) said Monday.
China to Open Tourism Market
China will gradually lift the limit on the overseas stakes in the domestic traveling agencies to open the tourism market, as it has committed in the World Trade Organization (WTO) talks, according to Sun Gang, vice director of the National Tourism Administration.
Service Sector Poised to See Influx of Foreigners
The service sector is ripe for a mini-boom in foreign experts with increasing numbers expected to seek work in China following its entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Chinese Bank Prepares for Opening of Gold Market
The the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will actively participate in the operation of the Shanghai Gold Exchange which will start trial operation on November 28, said a spokesman for the ICBC.
China Grants Over 200 Foreign Headhunters Access Permit
Over 200 qualified intermediary services from overseas have received special permits issued by China's State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs.
WTO Entry Pushing forward China's Reform
With China's WTO entry, the Chinese government must follow the widely used global market rules to improve management efficiency and further slash red tape, a senior officer said here recently.
Lawyers Upbeat on WTO
It seems that 10 months can make all the difference as active preparation and confidence now prevail among domestic lawyers facing the country's expected entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Foreign Headhunters Coming to China
Foreign headhunting firms will be allowed to do business in China starting October 1, opening a new front for overseas business.
Law to Be Improved
After China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), foreign arbitration bodies will be able to carry out business in China and domestic ones will be encouraged to operate in other countries.
China to Draft Property Rights Law
The drafting of the Property Rights Law, a law aiming to protect the legitimate rights of and fair competition among various enterprises, is under way in China' s Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC).
Nation Mends Laws to Match WTO System
Top legislator Li Peng yesterday called for the National People's Congress to make necessary revisions of, and amendments to, existing laws in advance of the nation's impending entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Laws Pave Way for WTO Entry
Legal changes in preparation for the nation's impending entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will move on a step today as legislators vote on amendments relating to foreign investment.
End of Telecom Monopoly Expected
China is expected to step up its pace of breaking up the telecom sector monopoly by introducing competition and offering users more alternatives.
New Rules Lure Foreign Money into Country
The "encouraged" category of China's official foreign investment guide is going to be expanded.
New Patent Rules to up Standards
Amendments to China's Patent Law, which will come into effect next year, will bring the country more in line with international standards, a senior patent official said.
Cultural 'Gladiators' Eye WTO
Along with China's pending entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), its culture industry is preparing to compete with its international counterparts.
Insurers Prepare for WTO Entry
China's insurance sector is racing against the clock to get ready for the country's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Foreign Lawyers Welcome
The Ministry of Justice yesterday approved 11 foreign law firms and two Hong Kong firms to open branches in the mainland, and their business is due to go well thanks to a new regulation being drafted and China's pending World Trade Organization entry.
Sino-EU legal Program Launched
China and the European Union (EU) yesterday launched a 13.5 million-euro (US$13.9 million) legal and judicial cooperative program, the largest so far in China.
Finance: Liberal but Manageable Limits
The liberalization of China's financial sector after it joins the World Trade Organization (WTO) must remain within the bounds of its regulatory ability and economic situation, said a top official with the central bank.
Nation to Pave The Road West
China plans to add 200,000 kilometers of highway to its existing road network of 1.4 million kilometers by the end of 2005, according to Vice-Minister of Communications Hu Xijie.
Banks to Enter New Businesses
Central bank Governor Dai Xianglong vowed yesterday to help China's financial institutions enter and strengthen their presence in more lucrative businesses, such as on-line banking, to make the sector more competitive.
IT Planners Grope for Key
The information industry administration is rapidly preparing to deal with China's entry into the World Trade Organization.
Of particular concern is foreign investors' interest in investing in China's telecommunications service sector.