November 22, 2002

Nepali King Orders Judicial Inquiry into Royal Bloodbath

Nepali King Gyanendra said Monday he had ordered a judicial inquiry into the incident that killed some of the royal family members.

"We have constituted a three-man commission of inquiry headed by the Chief Justice Keshav Prasad Upadhya to investigate the circumstances leading to the tragic incident," the king said in a message broadcast on Nepal Television.

The king announced that the high level committee will present a report within three days and the actual facts of the incidents will be brought to the public.

He called on all the Nepali people to be united for national unity, national integrity and safeguard the sovereignty of the national at this time of the unbearable pain.

A shootout that happened in the Royal Palace on Friday night killed late King Birendra, Queen Aishwarya and seven other members of the royal family. Gyanendra said in a statement on Sunday that the shootout is "an accidental firing from an automatic weapon which suddenly exploded."

The explanation could not convince the public, who took to streets Monday and demand for truth about the royal bloodbath.

(Xinhua 06/05/2001)

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