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Hailstorm Hits Hebei Province

A heavy hailstorm that hit southern Hebei Province, north China, Sunday afternoon cut off power supply and caused serious damages to people in the affected areas.

But no casualties were reported by press time.

Big hailstones suddenly struck Cixian County, Fengfeng collieryand Wu'an City at 4:30 p.m. and lasted for almost 30 minutes, according to Wang Qingqiang, a worker with the power supply bureauof Cixian County.

Hailstones, as big as pingpong balls, broke the window glass ofresidential houses and damaged solar energy water heaters on the roofs of residential buildings, Wang said, adding he has not seen such big hailstones for over 30 years.

The hailstorm, which damaged 26 electricity transmission lines,caused an immediate blackout in the county town of Cixian, local government sources said.

The provincial meteorological station confirmed the hailstorm that hit southern area of Hebei Province Sunday afternoon. According to the station, the biggest hailstone has a diameter of four centimeters, and Cixian County was struck by hailstones and strong wind with a speed of 26 meters per second.

Losses caused by the hailstorm was not available.

(Xinhua News  Agency  June 21, 2004)

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