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Chinese Farmers Help Russians
In China, the world's most populous country, farmers are very skillful but have to grow crops on small pieces of land.

In Russia, the largest country in terms of territorial land, farmers struggle to take care of their vast land and have to do extensive cultivation.

In recent years, farmers in border provinces between the two neighbors have found ways to benefit from each others' experience.

Chinese farmers have discovered a place to show their expertise in farming by working on Russian farms and return home with lots of money they have earned.

This mutually beneficial arrangement has laid a solid foundation for agricultural cooperation between the two nations, said Li Fuqiang, an official from the provincial foreign trade bureau of Jilin Province.

He Mingkun, a farmer in Yushu City, Jilin Province, has organized eight groups of local farmers to grow vegetable in Russian farms.

"We have cooperated with three Russian farms," said He. "The average income of each Chinese laborer is as much as 6,000 yuan (US$723) a year."

"We have developed very good relations with Russians," the farmer said.

He said that every time they were in Russia, Chinese villagers not only brought skills and new species of vegetable to Russian farms, but also donated some of their fresh products to local schools, elderly people and local Red Cross organizations.

Chinese experts are looking forward to further cooperation. Wang Shicai, director of the Institute of Russia under the Jilin Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, said China and Russia could cooperate in processing food.

(eastday.com June 21, 2003)

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