November 22, 2002

Chinese President Meets Romanian PM

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Friday that China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Romania and all other countries and work to realize sustainable world peace and prosperity.

Jiang made the remarks in a meeting with Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, who is on a working visit. Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji held talks with Nastase Thursday.

Jiang said the talks between Zhu and Nastase were "very good" as they reached a wide-ranging consensus on expanding cooperation in trade and economic areas.

He said China and Romania were "true and trustworthy friends" because they attached great importance to bilateral relations, treated each other equally and respected each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"We should view our relations from a long-term and strategic point, and carry on the traditional friendship from generation to generation," Jiang said.

Nastase agreed with Jiang's comments, adding that although great changes had occurred in both countries, they had maintained satisfactory political and economic relations.

The Romanian prime minister suggested that the two countries seek new ways to expand economic cooperation and trade. He stressed that Romania welcomed Chinese investors and also

encouraged Romanian entrepreneurs to invest in China.

(Xinhua News Agency June 29, 2002)

In This Series
Photos Bridge Cultures

Li Ruihuan Meets Romanian Senate Chairman

Chinese Defense Minister Meets Romanian Guests

Romania, China to Expand Economic Cooperation



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