Russian Defense Minister: China 'Positive' on New Russia-NATO Council
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said Monday after briefing China on Russia's new alliance with NATO that Beijing takes a "positive" view of Moscow's warm relations with the West.
"I explained to Beijing the essence of the signed documents, and their reaction was positive," RIA-Novosti news agency quoted Ivanov as saying upon his return from Beijing.
The creation of a NATO-Russia council "does not hurt the Asian direction of Russian politics."
"In China, they understand that at the same time, we are both a European, Asian and northern power," ITAR-TASS quoted Ivanov as saying.
The Russian defense minister, seen as one the closest confidants of President Vladimir Putin, met Chinese President Jiang Zemin Friday to explain Russia's new relationship with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Ivanov also paid a courtesy call on Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and later met his Chinese counterpart, Chi Haotian.
Ivanov said that he and Chi discussed the sale of Russian air and navy weaponry to China.
China has welcomed the improvement in Russia-US ties following a high-profile summit between presidents Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush last week in Moscow.
The new Russia-NATO council, which Moscow has a stronger voice but no veto powers in the military decisions of the US-led bloc, came just days after the Bush-Putin summit, highlighting Russia's new friendship with the West.
(China Daily June 3, 2002)