Bush Outlines Priorities in New Year
US President George W. Bush said on Saturday that fighting terrorism, domestic security and the economy would be his top priorities in the new year.
Bush, in his weekly radio address just before delivering the State of the Union address, pledged that his government will "
spend what it takes" to fight global terrorism and help Americans feel safe at home.
Using the address to recap the military and homeland defense proposals he announced this week, Bush said he will devote billions of dollars in his fiscal 2003 budget plan to his top priorities, building up the US military and addressing domestic security needs.
Bush said that military spending will increase 48 billion dollars, the largest hike in defense spending in 20 years, and 38 billion will go toward homeland security.
Bush said his budget will call for investing in more precision weapons, missile defenses, unmanned vehicles and high-tech equipment for soldiers.
"Every budget reflects fundamental choices, and my administration has made choices to fit the times," he said.
Bush said the fight against terrorism began in Afghanistan,butit will not end there. "America must not rest until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."
Bush urged the Democratic-controlled Senate to approve a economic stimulus package of tax incentives for businesses and aid for laid-off workers.
"Government doesn't create jobs, but it can encourage an environment in which jobs are created," Bush said.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, in the Democrats' weekly radio address, expressed his support to Bush in his war on terrorism, but suggested the nation needed a quick economic boost.
"In the war on terrorism, President Bush and his national security team continue to do a superb job," Daschle said.
"But there are also reasons to be concerned. Last week, we learned that the massive surplus we predicted a year ago has shrunk by four trillion dollars. We are expected to be running deficits for the remainder of President Bush's term," he said.
Bush is expected to submit the fiscal 2003 budget to Congress on February 4. It will be the first federal spending plan in four years to forecast a deficit.
Before that, Bush will deliver the State of the Union address on Tuesday night to lay out his vision for the country.
(Xinhua News Agency January 27, 2002)