Arafat Writes to Jiang Over Worsening Mideast Situation
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has appealed to China to use its influence, working together with the international community, to press ahead with efforts to stop the worsening of the situation in the Middle East and salvage the region's peace process.
In a letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Arafat said China is a major power commanding great influence in international affairs and that the Palestinian side has highly appreciated China's efforts towards the cause of peace in the Middle East.
In the letter which was dated January 22 and handed to Wu Jiuhong, director of China's office in Palestine during a meeting between the two on Tuesday night, Arafat also briefed the Chinese president on the current situation in Palestine.
Actions by Israeli troops in Palestinian territory have crossed all "red lines" and the situation in Palestine is deteriorating and in danger of getting out of control, to which people cannot stand with their eyes closed, Arafat said.
Arafat also said that the Palestinian side, in the best interests of the Palestinian people and security and stability in the Middle East, would continue to honor their commitment to the ceasefire, despite the fact Israeli tanks and armored cars are just around him.
(Xinhua News Agency January 24, 2002)