Bush Moves to Tighten Immigration Procedures
U.S. President George W. Bush moved to tighten immigration rules on Monday in an effort to prevent terrorists from entering the country.
"We are going to tighten up the visa policy," Bush said while chairing the first meeting of his Homeland Security Council. " Never did we realize people would take advantage of generosity to the extent they have."
Bush was directing his aides to study the foreign student visa system and recommend ways to tight controls, a White House official said.
The president planned to announce creation of a "foreign terrorist tracking force" that would coordinate efforts by government agencies to prevent those with links to terror organizations from entering the country, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said on Monday.
The task force and other agencies will also work together to " locate, detain, prosecute or deport any aliens" who are already in the country and "may be engaging in terrorism," Fleischer said.
"Obviously, on September 11, a group of alien terrorists got into our nation and attacked the Pentagon and World Trade Center, so obviously there's a need for tightening up," he added.
Some hijackers who were involved in the September 11 reportedly entered the United States legally with student visas.
Tom Ridge, director of Bush's Office of Homeland Security, announced that Attorney General John Ashcroft will lead the task force and will look at all aspects of foreigners' access to the country.
"Their charge will be to look at all options, all policies and procedures relating to access of non-citizens to this country," Ridge said.
( Xinhua News Agency 10/30/2001)