November 22, 2002

Hu Jintao: China to Further Party Ties with Vietnam

Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao said here Thursday that the Communist Party of China (CPC) is ready to work with the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) to promote bilateral relations based on the principles of independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Addressing the CPV's 9th National Congress that opened here earlier, Hu said China is willing to push bilateral traditional friendly cooperative ties to a new yet higher stage and open up a brighter future for the relations between the two countries and the two parties in the new century.

At the invitation of the CPV Central Committee, Hu, also member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, is heading the CPC delegation to the CPV 9th National Congress.

Hu said that over the past 70 years, the CPV, integrating the fundamental tenets of Marxism with the specific national conditions, has led its people to achieve victory of the national revolution, unite the country, and find a way in conformity with the domestic situation.

Hu particularly mentioned that since renovation was advocated in the CPV 6th National Congress in 1986, the socialist cause of Vietnam has made great progress, as the society has maintained stability, economy has grown rapidly, and the international status of Vietnam has been promoted.

The current national congress is held at an important historical moment while the whole world is entering new century, thus it is of significance for the healthy development of socialist cause of Vietnam and the stability and prosperity of the country, Hu said.

He is convinced that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, all the members of the Communist Party and the people of Vietnam will achieve the strategic aims of the congress, and build up a prosperous, equal and democratic socialist industrial country of Vietnam.

On Sino-Vietnamese relations, Hu said, China and Vietnam have expanded cooperation in the political, economic, and cultural fields, and their leaders have maintained frequent exchange of visits since the normalization of the diplomatic ties of the two countries.

Both China and Vietnam are socialist nations under the leadership of the communist parties, he said, adding they share identical ideology and face the same tasks.

The Chinese party and government value bilateral friendship with Vietnam and attach great importance to bilateral unity, friendship and cooperation, he said.

Hu stated that guided by the principles of long-term, stable, future-oriented, good-neighborly and all-round cooperative relations established by general secretaries of the two parties, Sino-Vietnamese state and party relations have made new progress, Hu noted.

The two countries have signed land boundary treaty, agreements on Beibu Gulf demarcation and fishery cooperation, saying that the covenants conform to long-term interest and common aspiration of the people of the two countries, Hu added.

He noted that the CPC will celebrate its 80th founding anniversary these years, saying the CPC's 16th National Congress will be convened next year.

(Xinhua 04/19/2001)

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