An international conference centered on non-traditional manufacturing technologies opened in HK Friday, with an aim to introduce leading edge manufacturing technologies for high precision and miniaturized components and products.
The four-day conference, co-organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and the Hong Kong Critical Components Manufacturers Association, attracted scientists from the United States, Europe and Hong Kong to introduce new technologies related with micro discharge, electrochemistry, abrasive waterjet and laser, etc.
The organizers said many products in the world market are undergoing a miniaturization process, ranging from handheld communications devices and portable hi-fi equipment to medical devices.
This new trend calls for manufacturing process which can go down to the micro and nano level for the production of ultra precision components from sophisticated materials, such as super alloy, composites and ceramics, they said.
"The conference will no doubt provide meaningful insight to manufacturers in their efforts to produce high value-added and high precision components to meet the stringent world standards," HKPC's Executive Director Thomas Tang said at the opening ceremony.
"The adoption of non-traditional manufacturing technologies is envisaged to enable a manufacturer to enter the increasingly lucrative market," he added.
(People�s Daily March 22, 2002)