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Survey of Beijing Street Beggars

A recent survey has shown that thanks to the generosity of the capital's citizens, beggars' incomes are above the city's minimum living allowance. Though their living conditions may be poor they can still eke out an existence.

The Beijing Beggars Survey was conducted by seven students from Beijing City University. It won first prize at the 8th Challenge Cup Competition for Sci-tech Activities undertaken by University Students.

The survey suggests that professional beggars in the city account for just some 2.5 percent of the total number. 25 percent become beggars because they have no alternative means of making a living. Another 20 percent are no longer able to work while some 17.5 percent are disabled.

48 beggars were surveyed in 19 downtown areas. Some 43 percent were from east China's Shandong Province and a further 20 percent were from central China's Henan Province.

Though begging can bring in enough money to get by on, most beggars sleep rough in Beijing streets or find shelter in the outskirts. A few live in urban communities.

Nearly half of these interviewed simply beg, a further 20 percent either show their disability or beg through some performing art. Some 7 percent resort to aggressive begging.

A third would prefer not to beg if they had some other option available to them while some 28 percent would not be willing to give up their way of life.

(China.org.cn by Guo Xiaohong, December 13, 2003)

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