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Magazine: Sustaining Agricultural Supply
Effective measures should be taken to ensure the sustainable supply of agricultural products in the long term, an article urged in a recent issue of the Beijing-based Outlook Weekly.

The supply of agricultural products is a matter concerning the nation's economy and the people's livelihood. China used to suffer from a shortage of major agricultural produce, but today it can meet its needs and even have a surplus in some years. This historical transition is very important to the country's reform process.

The article urged a correct understanding of the current surplus of agricultural products in some regions.

This surplus only happens in certain phases, certain parts and certain regions. The total volume of agricultural products is huge in recent years, but the proportion of high-quality products remains low and cannot match demand.

Apart from this, national economic development remains unbalanced. Some people still lack decent amounts of food and clothing. The country also faces frequent natural calamities, which often has a bad impact on its agricultural production.

The low consumption level is another reason for the oversupply of agricultural products.

The overall consumption of residents, especially those in rural areas, is still low. There is still a large potential for the consumption of processed products. With the increased industrialization and urbanization, the existing agricultural production capacity falls far behind the needs of an all-round well-off society.

Inadequate agricultural resources, backward infrastructure construction and fragile economical environment also limit the development of agriculture in this country, noted the article.

The per capita amount of cultivated land in China is less than half of the world level and its per capita water resources are only one-quarter of the world average. Shortages of these two kinds of resources are factors restricting the supply of farm produce in the long term.

Utilization and development of agricultural resources have been greatly enhanced in past decades, which have largely improved the agricultural production capacity. But over-exploitation of resources has also led to soil erosion and desertification, which are threats to the agricultural production.

Thus the task of ensuring effective supply of farm produce is still onerous and prompt measures should be taken accordingly, said the article.

First, the fundamental role of agriculture in the national economy should be strengthened. Farmers' initiatives are the basic motivation to the development of agriculture and rural economy. The government should stick to its basic policies in rural areas to protect farmers and develop their enthusiasm.

Second, the comprehensive agricultural production capacity should be improved. The government should enhance support to agricultural production in major farming districts, strengthen infrastructure construction, and perfect the grain reserve system.

Third, restructuring of agriculture and rural economy should be promoted. More efforts are needed to improve the quality of farm produce, develop husbandry, aquaculture and fisheries in order to meet consumers' diversified needs.

Last but not least, scientific and technological knowledge should be popularized for the long-range development of agriculture.

(China Daily April 2, 2003)

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