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HK Security Forces Step Up Precautions: Official
The security forces in Hong Kong have already stepped up their precautions and Hong Kong will not be directly affected by the Iraq war, said Secretary for Security Regina Ip Thursday.

Ip said the Hong Kong police have stepped up protection of key facilities and patrols, Immigration and Customs have stepped up their vigilance at the checkpoints and will reinforce checks of suspect passengers, cargoes and other suspicious objects, and Hong Kong airport aviation security people will keep the situation under review and enhance security measures at the airport when necessary.

Moreover, the security forces have worked out contingency plans, she said. Last year, the forces already undertook large-scale exercises in case of any attack.

Ip said Hong Kong will not be directly affected by the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq because Iraq is 7,000 km far away from Hong Kong.

She also said the possibility of Hong Kong being subject to terrorist attacks, including radiological, biological and chemical attacks, remains low.

In order to reassure the public of the measures the security forces have been taking to protect Hong Kong, Ip said they will be distributing a pamphlet called "Hong Kong: Safe Harbor" this afternoon.

It tells the public the security measures the government has been taking, what members of the public could do to help keep Hong Kong safe, what to do in case of emergency and also some advice on essential first-aid, Ip said.

(Xinhua News Agency March 20, 2003)

Ordinary Chinese Air Concerns at Military Strike on Iraq
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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