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Tibet Steps up Local Legislation
Authorities in west China's Tibet Autonomous Region have made great strides in legislation in recent years, boosting a range of development undertakings in the region.

Over the past five years, the Standing Committee of the seventh People's Congress of the region has considered 57 laws and regulations as well as related resolutions and decisions.

The regional legislature drew up and amended a batch of local laws and regulations to suit local conditions in the five-year period. They include measures to implement land regulations, and mineral resources and tourism regulations, largely aimed at environmental protection.

To standardize the market and safeguard the legitimate interests of traders and consumers, the local legislature also hammered out measures to implement the law governing consumer rights, a statistics law, road transport regulations and revised commodity market regulations.

A group of rules concerning democratic reform and the People's Congress system were also worked out, including legislative regulations for the autonomous region.

The agenda in the same period also covered border regulations, village committee elections and detailed measures on occupational training, laws governing scientific and technological progress and health care for mothers and infants, as well as earthquake and disaster prevention.

To carry out China's strategy of developing its west and conserve local cultures, the regional legislature also decided to amend proposed regulations on the study, use and growth of the Tibetan language.

(Xinhua News Agency January 25, 2003)


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