China is launching a nationwide crackdown to end rampant gambling and punish gamblers, said State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang at a teleconference on Tuesday.
He told police departments across the country to work together in the battle against gambling, which he said has "seriously undermined socio-economic development and fundamental interests of the people."
The nationwide campaign will mainly focus on regions where gambling is rampant. Communist Party and government officials and top executives at state-owned enterprises who are involved in illegal gambling will receive heavier punishments, he said.
Gambling with overseas landholdings, online gambling and illegal lotteries are the major targets of the strike.
"The campaign will try to block the channels through which many Chinese go abroad for gambling," said Zhou.
Gambling websites and offices set up by foreign companies will also be shut down.
Three hotlines and one website address have been established to enable citizens to report gambling activities to the authorities.

(Xinhua News Agency January 12, 2005)