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HK Basic Law 15th Anniversary Celebrated

Hong Kong's Constitutional Affairs Bureau (CAB) has set aside a total of HK$5 million (US$641,025) of this year's budget for activities celebrating today's 15th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law, an official said on Sunday.  
Stephen Lam, secretary for constitutional affairs, was speaking at a student flag-raising ceremony on Sunday morning held at Aldrich Bay Government Primary School with the participation of about 400 students, teachers and parents.
Lam said the Basic Law is a historic document that guarantees implementation of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy.
The ceremony, jointly organized by the CAB and Association of Hong Kong Flag-guards, kicked off a series of events organized by the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee, government bureaus and departments and community organizations for the coming months.
The CAB and Education and Manpower Bureau are inviting secondary schools to take part in the "Basic Law Games Booth Design Competition," the final round of which will be held on May 28.
The Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law of Hong Kong will hold a seminar on April 9. Speakers will include renowned academics and legal professionals.
There will be a roving exhibition on the drafting and implementation of the Basic Law at shopping malls, community venues and major public libraries in 18 districts from May.
The Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education will also hold an exhibition on the Basic Law at its Civic Education Resource Center in Wanchai in April and May.
Business organizations will jointly hold a series of promotional activities in June including quizzes, performances and a speaking contest.
A new series of television programs produced by RTHK, the "Basic Law Magazine," will be broadcast on ATV's Home Channel on six consecutive Sundays starting this week. RTHK will also broadcast Basic Law quizzes between April and May.
The Basic Law was adopted on April 4, 1990 by the 7th National People's Congress.

(Xinhua News Agency April 4, 2005)

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