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China Strengthens International Cooperation in Statistics

Extensive international cooperation has enabled China's once closed statistics to become compatible with overseas countries'. The National Bureau of Statistics says the country will continue to strengthen international links to provide quality and up-to-date statistics for government and the public. 
Before the 1980s, China's statistical system was "closed." Statistics were kept confidential and not allowed to be published without authorization by the state.

However, since China initiated economic reform in 1979, the country has been engaged in extensive technical cooperation with international organizations such as Statistics Canada, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany and the International Monetary Fund. China also reformed its statistical system a decade ago, and has its statistical credibility and accessibility has improved by adopting international practice.

Deputy Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics Qiu Xiaohua says this cooperation and exchange has been an important driving force in the improvement of China's statistical management.

"China's statistics have changed from cutting itself off from the outside world to being opened up as a result of international cooperation and exchanges. Those who use these statistics are no longer limited to governmental decision makers, but also include research institutes, mass media, enterprises, the general public and the international community. We now know ourselves better and the world knows China better."

Among the many partners, Germany enjoys one of the longest cooperation with China. President of the German Federal Statistical Office Johann Hahlen says the past ten odd years have seen a range of cooperative projects including exchange visits of top statistical officials, and personnel training.

"The statistical departments of Germany and China have implemented a total of 55 joint measures. 30 Chinese statistical delegations have visited Germany. And the Federal Statistical Office of Germany has translated professional statistics publications and basic statistical methodology into Chinese, which have played an important role in China's statistics management."

Now more than 10 years after introducing the UN promoted "System of National Accounts," China has brought its statistical methods in line with global standards. And Qiu Xiaohua says that China will carry on the international cooperation in social statistics, human resources and statistical technology.

 (CRI.com May 22, 2004)

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