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Signed Article Slams Foreign Interference in HK

Xinhua News Agency released on Tuesday a three-part article written and signed by Tang Hua. The piece elaborates on the illegality of US Senator Sam Brownback's intervention in Hong Kong affairs, the necessity of adhering to the Basic Law and the treacherous nature of Martin Lee's activities.

Republican Senator from Kansas Sam Brownback, as the chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, invited Hong Kong legislator Martin Lee to testify before the US Senate.

The article says that it is absurd for Brownback to state in his article, which was carried in the Asian Wall Street Journal, that the US Congress "provides for the treatment of Hong Kong as a distinct entity," noting that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is a local administrative region of China, by no means an independent entity.

The article says depicting Hong Kong as a "distinct entity" is virtually denying China's right to exercise sovereignty in Hong Kong.

Brownback's intervention in Hong Kong affairs is inspired by personal motives and aimed to occupy the so-called "international vacuum" in Hong Kong following the end of British rule in 1997, as well as to use Hong Kong affairs to contain China and influence China-US relations, the article declares.

The article gives a detailed explanation on the necessity and feasibility of practicing in Hong Kong the Basic Law, which, to Brownback and his supporters, is the largest barrier to fulfilling their conspiracy.

The article goes on to criticize Brownback's remarks stigmatizing the Basic Law, and concludes that if the Basic Law is negated, there will be no legal basis for Hong Kong. This would destroy the sound business environment and harm the interests of foreign investors in Hong Kong.

The article accuses Martin Lee of distorting the Basic Law to some Americans, including Brownback, saying he has even sunk to lying in order to gain foreign intervention. People like Martin Lee, says the article, cannot represent Hong Kong people's desire.

The Basic Law has provided a strong guarantee of democratic progress in Hong Kong and can effectively protect Hong Kong people's democratic rights. Martin Lee's activities can only hamper the development of democracy in Hong Kong.

The article also cites remarks by Premier Wen Jiabao made at a meeting with the press following the closing session of the annual session of the National People's Congress. The premier said, "I sincerely hope that Hong Kong residents can take into consideration the broad situation of the long-term prosperity and stability as well as the long-term and fundamental interests of Hong Kong residents, be united and work together with firm determination for a better future of Hong Kong."

As long as people take Premier Wen's words as the guiding spirit for developing the political mechanism in Hong Kong, the HKSAR society can reach a wide consensus on the issue and administrate the HKSAR well, the article says.
(Xinhua News Agency March 17, 2004)

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