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Geological Remains Well Preserved in Inner Mongolia
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where geological remains are rather abundant, is making efforts to reinforce their protection through a proper combination of protection and exploitation.

The remains created during the Earth�s evolution are un-regenerated geological natural heritage. They are the precious �file of the earth� for human beings to get to know and research the Earth�s origins.

Abundant geological remains in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region involve world-renowned typical stratigraphic sections, different-shaped fossils of ancient extinct life, stone forests, volcanic geomorphology, ice mortars, and lakes of both scientific and ornamental value, and widely-distributed hot springs and mineral springs with special functions in medical treatment and health protection.

The land and resources department of Inner Mongolia has injected special funds for sifting the �file of the earth� in recent years. Investigations have been conducted at 87 sites in some 80 banners (counties) of 12 leagues (prefectures), in order to acquire various firsthand materials that may fill gaps in geological information. A total of 14 nature reserves highlighting geological remains of different categories and levels have been built up in Inner Mongolia.

Additionally, Inner Mongolia has actively exploited the resources. A batch of museums have been founded to tap the scientific, cultural and economic value of geological remains besides protecting them. The only geological park at the national level -- Hexigten Geological Park -- has received visitors in an endless stream since its opening in 2001. The Xilingol Dinosaur Museum, opened to the public this year, is the largest professional dinosaur museum in northern China. The mineral spring resources distributed in 11 leagues are now being exploited.

Related experts estimate that, as long as the protection and administration of the geological remains are standardized and subject to the rule of law, geological remains and mineral spring resources will become new stimuli for the economic growth of the Inner Mongolia.

(china.org.cn by Zhang Tingting, September 4, 2002 )

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