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China's Jiang Congratulates Chirac on Re-election
Chinese President Jiang Zemin has congratulated French President Jacques Chirac on his landslide re-election on Sunday, voicing his belief that the friendly cooperative relations between China and France will be further advanced during Chirac's new term.

In a message sent to the French president on Monday, Jiang said: "On behalf of the Chinese people and in my own name, I extend the most ardent congratulations and best wishes to your excellency."

He expressed the hope that the French president would score newachievements in his new term of presidency.

In the message, Jiang also expressed his deep belief that the all-around Sino-French partnership, that the two sides had decidedto establish, had been in the fundamental interests of the two peoples and of great significance for world peace, stability and prosperity.

"I believe that the friendly cooperative ties between our two countries will be further developed during your new term," Jiang concluded.

Chirac defeated far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen on Sunday inthe runoff of the presidential election. He won an overwhelming victory, garnering 82 percent of the votes.

(Xinhua News Agency May 7, 2002)

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