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Vice-Chairman Suggests Prudence
“We should be prudent in saying ‘China will catch up to the United States within 30-50 years,’” said Cheng Siwei, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) in an article he recently wrote for the Beijing Daily.

Cheng pointed out that to reach the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way is a long and arduous task. “It will take us at least 20 years to realize this goal. Therefore, we can’t be overly optimistic about China’s economic prospects over the next two decades, as growth and development are not always simultaneous. Development is an important growth factor, but by no means the only one,” said Cheng.

China plans to quadruple its GDP, improve the people’s quality of life and enable sustainable economic development over the next 20 years, Cheng said. “We cannot overemphasis the speed of development when striving for those goals. We should comprehensively grasp the substance of the development stressed in the report delivered by Jiang Zemin at the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and realize the overall social, economic, scientific and technological development needed to improve the qualities of people’s lives.”

Cheng points out four aspects that the country should focus on during China’s economic development over the coming two decades.

First, is to solve the problems that exist with the influx of rural workers into urban areas. In addition to the relevant favorable measures taken by the central government, intermediate organizations must also play an important role in realizing this transition. Yet, currently, these intermediate organizations charge comparatively high prices for their services. Many problems remain to be resolved in order to guarantee fair, just and reasonable distribution of the rural labor force. Meanwhile, farmers’ skills and qualities must be improved via education and training.

Second, the 16th CPC National Congress has made clear the status of the non-public economy. The central government has created the necessary conditions for the development of a non-public economy, such as market accession, legal guarantees and tax bearings. Meanwhile, the qualities of the non-public economy should be improved to cope with the challenges brought by China’s entry to WTO and associated market competition.

The third objective is to establish a rationally arranged social security system offering due consideration to all potential claimants. Joint efforts by the central government, society, institutions and individuals should be combined to solve the problems of unemployment, medical treatment, industrial injuries and accidents, because they play different roles in social relief, social assistance, social insurance and commercial insurance.

The fourth goal is to develop a virtual economy and raise the financial competitiveness of China.

Cheng Siwei says, “The correct speed of development should be substantial and beneficial to all, while at the same time enhancing the overall strength of the nation.”

(China.org.cn translated by Zhang Tingting, December 25, 2002)

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