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China Puts Forward Proposals on Peace, Development in Asia
Zhou Guangzhao, head of the China's Parliamentary Delegation to the ongoing annual meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP), Wednesday put forward a four-point proposal on peace and development in Asia.

Zhou, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, announced the proposals at the first Plenary Session of the Third annual meeting of the association.

The proposals are as follows:

-- We must cherish and safeguard the hard won peace and stability in Asia. History and reality both demonstrate that a peaceful and stable regional surrounding environment is vital to the development, prosperity and security of the countries in the region. Therefore, countries should all proceed from long-term and strategic interests and make further efforts to preserve the current situation.

-- All countries in the region should respect each other and treat each other as equals on the basis of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We should respect the fact that Asia is diversified and give full play to the advantage of diversity and seek diversified development so as to create a new Asia in which various kinds of culture and civilization coexist and make common development.

-- To further deepen the multi-facet economic cooperation of various forms in Asia. In the spirit of mutual benefit and common development, countries should learn from each other while competing with each other, draw upon each other's advantages and make up for deficiencies. Thus, the economic power of countries and Asia as a whole will be increased and the ability to deal with the challenge of economic globalization enhanced.

-- We should actively advocate the new security concept with mutual confidence, mutual benefit and equitable cooperation as the core. All bilateral dispute and disagreement should be resolved through consultation and negotiation. We should strengthen security by increasing cooperation and expanding common interests.

We should enhance the cooperation in non-traditional security fields and fight collectively against terrorism, smuggling, drug-trafficking, piracy and illegal immigration and other transnational criminal activities.

Zhou said China has long-time good neighborly friendship and cooperation with other Asian countries, citing efforts China have been made to develop friendly relations and cooperation of good neighborliness and good partnership with surrounding Asian countries.

Mutual understanding and trust has been deepened as a result, he said.

At present, China has established a framework for cross-century good-neighborly and friendly relations and cooperation with most Asian countries, he said. "The cooperation in economic, trade, scientific and technological and cultural fields continued to deepen."

"China has, along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, established the 'Shanghai Cooperation'," Zhou said.

China also took an active part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, promoted the dialogue in the Korean peninsula, supported relevant countries in the Middle East and south Asia in their efforts to peacefully resolve disputes and supported the rebuilding of Afghanistan, said Zhou.

"All these fully demonstrate our good wishes to safeguard regional and world peace and development," he said.

He also talked about the country's three major tasks for the new century, including the goal of doubling the country's gross domestic product (GDP) of 2000 in the 2010, gradually accomplishing common prosperity in the country, striving for the peaceful reunification of the country, and safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

Zhou stressed that the development in China cannot be separated from the support of people in Asian countries, and a stable, developed and prosperous China will not pose any threats to any countries at any times.

"On the contrary, China will make greater contribution to the peace and development in Asia and the world," he said.

"China opposes hegemonism and won't seek hegemony itself," he declared.

He said parliaments should further enhance cooperation and exchanges and assume more responsibilities in regional and international affairs.

The vice chairman called on the meeting to join hands in the effort for peace and stability in Asia and world, as well as the common development of countries and regions.

The AAPP was formally launched in September 1999 in Dacca, capital of Bangladesh, and now has 36 member countries.

(Xinhua News Agency April 18, 2002)

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