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Jiang's Libya Visit Cements Ties
China and Libya Sunday released a press communique focusing on bilateral relations, African affairs and international issues.

Jiang left Sunday afternoon local time for Abuja, capital of Nigeria, on the third leg of his 15-day, five-nation visit, which will also take him to Tunisia and Iran.

The communique said both sides are very worried about the escalation and deterioration of the Middle East situation, calling for respect of UN Security Council resolutions.

Both urged Israel to withdraw troops so the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people can be restored.

Both sides stressed any forms of terrorism should be opposed and condemned, noting anti-terrorism efforts should follow the principles of the UN Charter and relevant norms of international laws.

In the communique, Libya reiterated its stance of adhering to the one-China policy and firm support to China's efforts in the region and world in this regard.

China also called for the complete lifting of sanctions against Libya at an early date.

On African affairs, both sides adopted an active attitude towards the establishment of an African Union, praising its role in promoting development and prosperity on the continent.

China said it highly appreciated Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy's active role in promoting peace, stability and development in Africa.

On Saturday afternoon, Jiang and Khadafy held talks focusing on bilateral relations, African affairs and international issues.

On the current Middle East conflict, Jiang expressed China's deep concern and said the indefinite postponement of the issue seriously threatened stability in the region and is negative to world peace.

The president said it is the consistent position of China to resolve the Middle East issue using relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the land-for-peace principle, noting the nation is willing to maintain frequent contacts and co-ordination with Arab countries -- including Libya -- in this regard.

Jiang also reiterated China's support for the anti-terrorism war, but insisted any action should be backed up with ample evidence, stressing strikes on terrorism should be targeted at specific objectives and minimize civilian casualties and damage to civilian properties.

China is clearly opposed to associating terrorism with any religion or nationality, noting that in striking terrorism, efforts should be made to eradicate its roots, Jiang added.

Khadafy said he hoped China, as a big developing country shouldering important responsibilities in international issues, will play an even greater role.

(China Daily April 15, 2002)

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