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The Declaration of Local Governments on Peace, Friendship and Cooperation
We are standing at the glorious starting point of a new century. We are full of hope for the future of humanity.

In retrospect, incessant wars across the world during the past century have left many painful memories to all humankind. As the new century is approaching, we must assume the sublime mission of safeguarding peace, never to carry various historical disasters and regrets into the new 21st century we are facing.

Cities and local governments ( or authorities ) in all countries are dedicated to their own economic, cultural and social progress, creating fruitful modalities of development suited to the needs of their own inhabitants, and expanding reciprocal contacts, exchanges and co-operation. We are meeting opportunities and challenges, both arising with the new century. Upholding the principles of peace, friendship and co-operation is precisely the most important prerequisite for us to gain success.

We hereby solemnly declare:

To strive to maintain and continually promote the peace of all humankind. In the new century, political differences may still exist between various countries and regions in the world. But such differences must not lead to antagonism and ignite war as they invariably did in the past. On the contrary, they should be thrashed out through dialogue and negotiation so as to ensure world peace and stability

To strive to maintain and continually enhance the friendship among all the peoples. In the new century, differences may still exist in the cultural traditions of various countries and regions in the world. But such differences must not become gaps separating the peoples as they often did in the past. On the contrary, they may be turned into positive factors that attract the people of various countries together, enabling them to realize the splendor of diversity in the world, and build understanding and confidence through studies and exchanges, thus to open up a new era of unity of all humankind.

To strive to maintain and continually expand the co-operation among the local governments (or authorities ) of all countries. In the days to come, imbalance may still emerge from the economic growth of various countries and regions in the world. But such imbalance must not bring bitterness of injustice to the peoples as it always did in the past. On the contrary, this may provide an opportunity for them to plunge into peaceful and fair competitions in a bid for mutual development through co-operation, thus advancing to general prosperity and winning world stability and progress.

Cities and local governments (or authorities), born along with human civilization, will play an even more active role in the history of the world making progress.

Let us join hands to fulfil this solemn mission. Let us step forward to the new century with full confidence.

**The document has already been signed by 183 heads of local governments or authorities worldwide and will remain open for signing till the end of the four-day conference.

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