Lin, a unique director acclaimed for his "un-style," fully employed the "role change" method to deconstruct the drama.
Director Lin Zhaohua's new-versioned stage drama "Hamlet," with Gao Yuanyuan playing Ophelia and actor Pu Cunxin playing Hamlet, went on stage in Beijing Tuesday evening. [Xinhuanet]
In the play, actor Pu plays Hamlet at one moment, but swiftly shifts to the role of his uncle, King Claudius. As there is no costume change involved in this process, some audience members find it difficult to identify the roles.
Some critics praised the drama as more avant-garde than before, while others left the theater halfway through the play, complaining it was too difficult to understand.
In spite of the criticism over the absurdity of the drama, Lin says such acting reflects reality, in which people are constantly changing identities. A business person may become a wanderer, while a shoe shiner can become a scholar. Lin said we should seek the core philosophy from the classics.
Some reports say before the play was put on, Pu had indicated that the drama is experimental. People will understand it only if they accept that concept.