It is located at the north mountain northeast of the Keshiketeng
Banner of Chifeng. Asihatu granite is a rare stone forest landform.
The cause of the stone forest is that the rock mass of the region
has rare horizontal proterozoic rock joints and vertical rock
joints. Magma, glaciers, thawing ice, wind erosion and landslip due
to gravity formed it. Within an area of five sq. km, there areodd
mountains and stones with different shapes and nearly 1,000 of
stelae, rock jungle and ostrich stone. Integrating stone foresta,
grassland and foresta, Asihatu Stone Forest Tourist District has a
very graceful landscape. It is a multi-functional geological park
combining such functions as scientific study, viewing, sightseeing,
popular science education, leisure and holiday making,
entertainment and exploration.
With an area of three sq. km, the StoneForest Ski Run has new
equipment and an advanced design. Skiing here you can not only
experience the adventure and stimulationof surfing on the snow, but
also can appreciate the magic scenery of the combination of stone
forest, misty pines, snow and skyand appreciate the grandness and
magnificence of nature.
Traffic: It is 90 kilometers from Jingpeng Town, Keshiketeng Banner
and 45 kilometers from Linxi Town of LinxiCounty. People taking the
train can come to Chifeng firstand then transfer to a mini-bus to
go to Tianheyuan Township and thenhire a local vehicle to there.
People can also rent a vehicle to go there directly from Chifeng,
Jingpeng Town or Linxi Town.