Patent wars led by Apple and Microsoft are pushing up the prices of Android smartphones and tablets, Google's chief legal officer wrote in a blog post Monday. |
Google: Apple, Microsoft want to strangle Android |
谷歌称微软苹果等公司欲借专利扼杀Android |
Patent wars led by Apple and Microsoft are pushing up the prices of Android smartphones and tablets, Google's chief legal officer wrote in a blog post Monday, firing the opening salvo in a public relations struggle with the tech giants. |
8月4日消息,谷歌高级副总裁、首席法律顾问大卫•德拉蒙德今天在官方博客上表示,微软和苹果公司利用专利战推高了Android设备的售价,想借此扼杀Android。 |
David Drummond wrote that Apple and Microsoft have "gotten in bed together" to try to "strangle" the Android operating system, which Google provides free of charge, by launching thousands of patent claims using bundles of recently acquired intellectual property. | 德拉蒙德(David Drummond)今天在官方博客上表示,微软和苹果等公司一致对外,购买大批专利,是为了借此扼杀Android。 |
"A smartphone might involve as many as 250,000 (largely questionable) patent claims, and our competitors want to impose a 'tax' for these dubious patents that makes Android devices more expensive for consumers. They want to make it harder for manufacturers to sell Android devices. Instead of competing by building new features or devices, they are fighting through litigation," he wrote. | 一部智能手机可能涉及多达25万项专利(其中大部分值得商榷);我们的竞争对手希望针对这些可疑的专利“征税”,推高Android设备的售价。他们希望加大生产商销售Android设备的难度。他们不是凭借研发新功能展开竞争,而是诉诸法律。 |
The intellectual property infringement claims come as the Android is enjoying huge international success. Drummond said 550,000 Android devices were being activated worldwide every day through a network of 39 manufacturers and 231 carriers. | Android正高歌猛进。每天有超过55万部Android设备被激活,全球有39家硬件厂商和231家运营商支持搭载Android系统的产品。Android正与其他平台展开激烈竞争,这为消费者带来了新的酷炫产品和优秀应用。 |
"But Android's success has yielded something else: a hostile, organised campaign against Android by Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies, waged through bogus patents," he wrote. | 然而,Android的成功也引发了其他一些东西:微软、甲骨文、苹果及其他一些公司正倚仗可疑专利,发动一场有组织的针对Android的恶意攻击。 |
Microsoft and Apple recently bought thousands of Novell and Nortel's old patents and are using them to demand a $US15 licensing fee for every Android device, Drummond said. This would make it more expensive for phone manufacturers to license Android than Windows Mobile, he added. | 微软和苹果最近收购了Novell和北电网络的专利。他们试图向每台Android设备收取15美元的专利授权费,使手机厂商为Android设备支付比Windows Mobile设备更多的费用。 |
"We're not naive; technology is a tough and ever-changing industry and we work very hard to stay focused on our own business and make better products," Drummond wrote. "Google is determined to preserve Android as a competitive choice for consumers, by stopping those who are trying to strangle it." | 我们并不幼稚;科技产业是一个竞争激烈、不断变化的领域,我们努力专注于自身业务,研发更好产品。但在这件事上,我们认为有必要阐明态度,即我们决心阻止那些试图扼杀Android的人,并将其作为一款富有竞争力的产品提供给消费者。 |
China's business press carried the story above on Thursday.
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